Birth Kit for a Midwife

Mothers experiencing complications in birth had to be driven to the district hospital in Kirehe, a town about 35 kms (24 miles) away along extremely bumpy, dirt roads, with the journey taking about 2 hours. Save the Children provides caesarean sections and blood transfusions on site at the Mahama Refugee Camp II Medicalized Health Centre, this has been a game changer for babies and mothers’ lives and well-being, reducing infant and mother mortality as well as post-partum complications. This family portrait of Claire*, her newborn Aimé*, husband, sister and mother is taken outside the maternity ward of the medical facility run by Save the Children in Mahama Refugee Camp, Rwanda.
*We've changed Aimé and Claire's names to help
Photo: Yagazie Emezi / Save the Children
Birth Kit for a Midwife
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Knowing there’s a fully equipped midwife to hand helps a mum giving birth breathe that little bit easier.
This birth kit – with soap, cotton wool and sterilised scissors – can help deliver a baby safely. Like newborn baby Aimé* here with her mum Claire* and midwife Anne in a medical centre run by Save the Children in Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda.
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* We’ve changed Aimé and Claire’s names to help keep them safe.