
War has forced millions of families to flee Ukraine, leaving everything behind. Children were separated from family, friends and the home they once knew. Our teams were on the Ukrainian border, providing essential supplies and support. We distributed toys to children to give them the chance to smile and feel like children again.
Photo: Mihaela Oprisan / Save the Children
Each donation gift helps change the lives of children across the world. Perfect for an alternative thoughtful gift.
Your gift is more than just something to play with. A toy can be something to cling to, bringing comfort in times of trouble. Like the toy we gave this girl escaping the war in Ukraine
When you purchase a Virtual Gift you’ll be making a donation towards helping children get the food, healthcare and education they need. Your donation won’t be limited to purchasing the specific item you choose, it will provide funds wherever help is needed most in the UK and around the world. With children, for children, we change the future for good.